2016: The Year of the Mega Breach
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2016: The Year of the Mega Breach

“Excuse me, are you aware of what’s happening right now? We’re facing 20 billion security events every day. DDoS campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks …” says a woman sternly to an associate in a recently aired commercial featuring Watson and IBM Security. She may have been an actor, but the question and the threats she described plague real-world organizations and their security operations teams daily.

IBM X-Force knows the difficulties organizations face when it comes to finding time to step back from day-to-day operations to look at the big security picture. Because of this, they may be left with many unanswered questions, such as:

  • What cybercrime trends have surfaced over the last year?

  • What are the most prevalent mechanisms of attack and what steps do we need to take to mitigate those attacks?

  • Is my industry one of the most targeted in terms of attacks, and is there something to learn from those that have experienced fewer compromises?

  • Are the majority of attacks coming from inside or outside my network? Is the makeup of the insider attacks mostly malicious or inadvertent?

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